李定宇 助理教授

姓  名:李定宇 老師實驗室
英 文 姓 名: Ding-Yu Lee
研 究 專 長: 心血管疾病、仿生血管奈米保健分子及診斷分子、微小核糖核酸、血管保健生化訊息
個人實驗室: https://leedingyu.webnode.tw/
電子信箱: leedingyu@ntou.edu.tw
研究室電話:2462-2192 ext. 5509, 5505

生物化學 (一、二)、分子生物學導論 (一、二)、分子生物學、生理學、分子診斷學、細胞訊息傳遞與人類疾病、功效性成份與生物科技、專題討論

  • 博士:中研院、國衛院、國防醫學院 三院合辦 生命科學所
    碩士:國立交通大學 生物科技研究所
    學士:國立臺灣海洋大學 食品科學系
  • 加州大學聖地牙哥分校 (UCSD) 生物工程研究所 訪問學生    (科技部 千里馬計畫)
    國家衛生研究院 醫學工程暨奈米醫學研究所 博士後研究
    國家衛生研究院 細胞暨系統醫學研究所 博士後研究
    科技部 優秀博士後研究學術著作獎
    國家衛生研究院 細胞暨系統醫學研究所 助研究學者       
    中華科技大學 生物科技系/食品科學系 專任助理教授
    中華科技大學 生物科技系 專任助理教授
    中華科技大學 雲林分部產學合作暨推廣教育組 組長
    國立台灣海洋大學 生命科學暨生物科技學系 助理教授
  • 心血管疾病致病機制:本實驗室主要建構體外細胞模擬系統,模擬人體心血管的正常生理vs. 致病環境進行比較,研究血管細胞內部的生化訊息,以了解血管保健與致病機制。並與台大醫師合作進行臨床研究計畫,了解人體疾病機制。
  • 發展嶄新分子-微小核糖核酸 (miRNA)作為心血管疾病診斷或治療奈米分子:我們主要了解微小核糖核酸在人體內的調控機制,並進一步發展微小核糖核酸作為心血管疾病診斷與治療奈米分子。
  • 維他命血管保健生化訊息:研究維他命對心血管細胞的影響及血管保健相關生化訊息,進一步發展維他命作為血管保健分子。
  • 發展海藻作為血管保健成分:尋找海藻中對人體血管保健成份,進而了解其相關機制,進而發展作為血管保健分子。
  1. Kuo, J.T.,# Tsai, H.E.,# Lin, C.T.,# Lee, C.I., Lee, P.L., Ruan, Y.R., Chiu, J.J., Lee, D.Y.* (2021) Low levels of microRNA-10a in cardiovascular endothelium and blood serum are related to human atherosclerotic disease. Cardiol. Res. Pract. 2021: 1452917. (Impact factor: 2.00, Ranking: 111/143 in CARDIAC&CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM)
  2. Wang, W.L., Chen, L.J., Wei, S.Y., Shih, Y.T., Huang, Y.H., Lee, P.L., Lee, C.I., Wang, M.C., Lee, D.Y., Chien, S., Chiu, J.J.*. (2021) Mechanoresponsive Smad5 enhances miR-487a processing to promote vascular endothelial proliferation in response to disturbed flow. Front. Cell. Dev. Biol. 9: 647714. (Impact factor: 6.08, Ranking: 104/274 in CELL BIOLOGY)
  3. Lee, D.Y., Chiu, J.J.* (2019) Atherosclerosis and flow: roles of epigenetic modulation in vascular endothelium. J. Biomed. Sci. 26(1): 56. (Impact Factor: 12.77; Ranking: 11/139 in MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL)
  4. Lee, D.Y., Chiu, J.J.* (2019) Hemodynamics-based strategy of using retinoic acid receptor and retinoid X receptor agonists to induce microRNA-10a and inhibit atherosclerotic lesion. Methods. Mol. Biol. 2019: 143-169.
  5. Lin, T.H., Wu, C.C., Kuo, J.T., Chu, H.F., Lee, D.Y., Lin, C.T.* (2019) FNR-dependent RmpA and RmpA2 regulation of capsule polysaccharide biosynthesis in klebsiella pneumoniae. Front. Microbiol. 10: 2436. (Impact Factor: 6.06; Ranking: 34/136 in MICROBIOLOGY)
  6. Lee, D.Y.†, Yang, T.L.†, Huang, Y.H., Lee, C.I., Chen, L.J., Shih, Y.T., Wu, C.C., Chiu, J.J.* (2018) Induction of MicroRNA-10a using retinoid acid receptor-aand retinoid X receptor-aagonists inhibits atherosclerotic lesion formation. Atherosclerosis. 271: 36-44. (†These authors contributed equally to this work) (Impact Factor: 6.87; Ranking: 11/67 in PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE)
  7. Yang, T.L.†, Lee, P.L.†, Lee, D.Y., Wang, W.L., Wei, S.Y., Lee, C.I., Chiu, J.J.*. (2018) Differential regulations of fibronectin and laminin in Smad2 activation in vascular endothelial cells in response to disturbed flow. J. Biomed. Sci. 25(1): 1. (†These authors contributed equally to this work) (Impact Factor: 12.77; Ranking: 11/139 in MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL)
  8. Lee, D.Y., Lin, T.E., Lee, C.I., Zhou, J., Huang, Y.H., Lee, P.L., Shih, Y.T., Chien, S.,* Chiu, J.J.* (2017)  MicroRNA-10a is crucial for endothelial response to different flows via interaction of retinoid acid receptors and histone deacetylases. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 114(8): 2072-2077. (Impact Factor: 12.78; Ranking: 10/134 in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
  9. Shih, Y.T., Wang, M.C., Zhou, J., Peng, H.H., Lee, D.Y., Chiu, J.J.* (2015) Endothelial progenitors promote hepatocarcinoma intrahepatic metastasis through monocyte chemotactic protein-1 induction of microRNA-21. Gut. 64(7): 1132-1147. (Impact Factor: 31.84; Ranking: 4/93 in GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY)
  10. Chang, S.F., Chen, L.J., Lee, P.L., Lee, D.Y., Chien, S.*, Chiu, J.J.* (2014) Different modes of endothelial-smooth muscle cell interaction elicit differential β-catenin phosphorylations and endothelial functions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 111(5): 1855-1860. (Impact Factor: 12.78; Ranking: 10/134 in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
  11. Lee, D.Y., Lee, C.I., Lin, T.E., Lim, S.H., Zhou, J., Tseng, Y.C., Chien, S.*, Chiu, J.J.* (2012) Role of histone deacetylases in transcription factor regulation and cell cycle modulation in endothelial cells in response to disturbed flow. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109(6): 1967-1972. (Impact Factor: 12.78; Ranking: 10/134 in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)           (此論文獲得 科技部 優秀博士後研究學術著作獎)
  12. Shih, Y.T., Wang, M.C., Yang, T.L., Zhou, J., Lee, D.Y., Lee, P.L., Yet, S.F., Chiu, J.J.* (2012) β2-Integrin and Notch-1 differentially regulate CD34(+)CD31(+) cell plasticity in vascular niches. Cardiovasc. Res. 96(2): 296-307. (Impact Factor: 13.081; Ranking: 11/143 in CARDIAC & CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMS)
  13. Lee, D.Y., Li, Y.S., Chang, S.F., Zhou, J., Ho, H.M., Chiu, J.J.*, Chien, S.* (2010) Oscillatory flow-induced proliferation of osteoblast-like cells is mediated by alphavbeta3 and beta1 integrins through synergistic interactions of focal adhesion kinase and Shc with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and the Akt/mTOR/p70S6K pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 285(1): 30-42. (Impact Factor: 5.486; Ranking: 86/295 in BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
  14. Chang, S.F., Chang, T.K., Peng, H.H., Yeh, Y.T., Lee, D.Y., Yeh, C.R., Zhou, J., Cheng, C.K., Chang, C.A., Chiu, J.J.* (2009) BMP-4 induction of arrest and differentiation of osteoblast-like cells via p21 CIP1 and p27 KIP1 regulation. Mol. Endocrinol. 23(11): 1827-1838.  (Impact Factor: 3.628; Ranking: 55/143 in ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM)
  15. Lee, D.Y., Yeh, C.R., Chang, S.F., Lee, P.L., Chien, S., Cheng, C.K., Chiu, J.J.* (2008) Integrin-mediated expression of bone formation-related genes in osteoblast-like cells in response to fluid shear stress: roles of extracellular matrix, Shc, and mitogen-activated protein kinase. J. Bone. Miner. Res. 23(7): 1140-1149. (Impact Factor: 6.39; Ranking: 31/146 in ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM)
  16. Chang, S.F., Chang, C.A., Lee, D.Y., Lee, P.L., Yeh, Y.M., Yeh, C.R., Cheng, C.K., Chien, S., Chiu, J.J.* (2008) Tumor cell cycle arrest induced by shear stress: Roles of integrins and Smad. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 105(10): 3927-3932. (Impact Factor: 12.78; Ranking: 10/134 in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
  17. Chiu, J.J.,* Chen, L.J., Lee, C.I., Lee, P.L., Lee, D.Y., Tsai, M.C., Lin, C.W., Usami, S., Chien, S. Mechanisms of induction of endothelial cell E-selectin expression by smooth muscle cells and its inhibition by shear stress. Blood. 2007; 15;110(2):519-528. (Impact Factor: 25.476; Ranking: 2/78 in HEMATOLOGY)
  18. Lee, D.Y., Cheng, C.K., Chiu, J.J.* (2006) Study of gene expression in osteoblasts induced by shear stress. Chin. J. Orthop. Trauma. 8(10): 911-914.
  19. Chiu, J.J.,* Chen, L.J., Chang, S.F., Lee, P.L., Lee, C.I., Tsai, M.C., Lee, D.Y., Hsieh, H.P., Usami, S., Chien, S. (2005) Shear stress inhibits smooth muscle cell-induced inflammatory gene expression in endothelial cells: role of NF-kappaB. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 25(5): 963-969. (Impact Factor: 10.51; Ranking: 5/67 in PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE)
2019  發明專利 (發明I676414) 郭鐘達、李定宇、林靖庭、張育奇「提升固態牛樟芝之三萜類揉捏裝置」
      (參展台灣創新技術博覽會 發明競賽 榮獲 金牌)
2019  發明專利 (發明I666315) 郭鐘達、張育奇、李定宇孫鵬飛、王貴弘、陳昱沛、吳簧坦、林恩仕 「可增加牛樟芝子實體及提升三帖類之牛樟芝培養基」
2018  新型專利 (新型M559891) 郭鐘達、張育奇、李定宇孫鵬飛、王貴弘、陳煜沛、吳璜坦、林恩仕「一種增加牛樟芝子實體之裝置」